Le site des activités physiques et sportives "travaillées" par les entreprises, les collectivités, les administrations

Travaux à l'international
EICHBERG Henning (1993), « Korporative Sozialhygiene? Zur Geschichte des Betriebssports in Skandinavien », in Stadion – Beiträge zur Geschichte des Sports in Nordeuropa (special issue), n° 19/20, pp. 37-67.
EICHBERG Henning (2008), « Organizing sports around the workplace. Some experiences from Scandinavian company sport », in Ido - Ruch dla Kultury, n°8, pp. 60-65.
EPSTEIN Robert, ROGERS Jessica (2001), The Big Book of Motivation Games: Quick, Fun Ways to Get People Energized, McGraw-Hill Professional Publisher.
IBSEN Bjarne (2005), « Den rummelige firmaidrœt. Resultaterne af en underøgelse af adrœts – og motionsinteressen hos medarbejdere i virksomheder i Kolding og Roskilde », Nyborg, 5, Dansk Firmaidrætsforbund.
KEIDEL Robert W. (1984), « Baseball, Football and Basketball : models for business », in Organizational Dynamics, winter, pp. 5-18.
KLARREICH Samuel H. (1987), Health and Fitness in the Workplace: Health Education in Business Organizations, Praeger Publishers.
LIU Jonathan, SRIVASTAVA Ashok et WOO Hong Seng (1998), « Transference of skills between sports and business », in Journal of European Industrial Training, vol. 22, n°3, pp. 93-112.
MILLER Brian Cole (2003), Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers, Amacom Publisher.
MULLER Erich, PAPPERT Günther et PRETTENTHALER Gertraud (2007), Fit@Work: Körperliche und mentale Fitness durch Bewegungspausen am Arbeitsplatz, USP International.
NEWSTROM John W., SCANNEL Edward (1998), The Big Book of Team Building Games: Trust-Building Activities, Team Spirit Exercises and Other Fun Things to Do, McGraw-Hill Professional Publisher.
PICHOT Lilian, PIERRE Julien, BURLOT Fabrice (2009), « Management Practices in Businesses through Sports », in Management Decision, vol. 47, n°1, pp. 137-150.
SKOVGAARD Thomas, BERGGREN Finn (2000), « Motion på arbejdet », in Fokus idrœt, n°197, pp. 5-6.
STAHL Timo, RUTTEN Alfred et all. (2002), « The importance of policy orientation and environment on physical activity participation – a comparative analysis between Eastern Germany and Finland », in Health Promotion International, n°17-3, pp. 235-246.
THIAGARAJAN Sivasailam, PARKER Glenn (1999), Teamwork and Teamplay: Games and Activities for Building and Training Teams, Jossey Bass Publisher.